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Discogenic Low Back Pain Homeopathic Treatment

By dr rakesh kumar   Posted at  10:26 PM   Spondylolisthesis 9 comments

Definition: Low back pain caused by any dearrangement in intervertebral discs is called discogenic low back pain.

Causes: Sedentary lifestyle, smoking, jerks to spine of travellers, obesity, and aging makes us susceptible to have discogenic low back. These people may suffer from mild to moderate intermittent low back pain. People susceptible for discogenic low back pain if got any slip and fall injury, motor vehicle accident, or any back injury can develop severe acute discogenic low back pain. Lifting, twisting, bending, and carrying injured people or carrying heavy weight can also bring discogenic low back pain on surface in susceptible people.

On investigations with x-rays and MRI of people with discogenic low back pain we often notice mainly degenerating discs, disc bulging, disc herniation, annular tear, degenerative discs with osteophyte formation.

Symptoms: Low back pain while sitting. Low back pain with lifting and bending. Low back pain radiating to lateral to hips posteriorly. Low back pain radiating to bilateral buttocks, bilateral lateral and posterior thighs, and calves. Numbness in buttock, posterior thigh, and calf. Pain and numbness usually get better with lying down, standing, and walking. Worsening of pain and numbness mainly in night.

Signs: Lower lumbar tenderness to palpation in the midline. The patient would not be able to touch his/her fingers to the floor though lots of people with sedentary habit would not be able to do so, but people with discogenic low back pain would feel significant increase of pain with this maneuver. They would also unable to extend their back to backward. The patient would also have pain when asked to bend laterally. While lying flat if the patient's legs are raised the patient may have pain indicated radiculopathy/nerve compression along with disc issue.

Lifestyle Modification: Smoking cessation, Encouraged to get daily exercise program, seeing a nutritionist to help reduce some weight, limit bending, and the two best positions would be standing and walking for patients with discogenic low back pain.

Homeopathic Medicines For  Discogenic Low Back Pain: As homeopathic medicines give best result if taken the best matching medicine for the patient so after knowing the patient's all symptoms, sign, and other features one can tell best suited medicine for a patient though following medicines have been proved useful for discogenic low back pain: Rhus Tox,  Calc Carb, Sepia, Phos, Sulph, Sil., NV, Puls, Kali Carb, Agar., Nat. Mur, Merc. Sol., Bell, Lyco, Bell, Bryonia Alba, Gnaphallium, & Colocynth.

About the Website And Author

Website informing about homeopathic treatments for various common diseases like Fevers, Diarrhea, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, High Blood Pressure, Knees Pain, Malaria Fever, Filiria, Discogenic Low Back Pain, Acne, Headache, Dysmenorrhea, Anemia, Menorrhagia,etc in very simple manner so that people start using homeopathy and remain healthy. This website is designed and managed by Dr. Rakesh Kumar (B.H.M.S, N.H.M.C, Lko) who is a govt employed homeopathic doctor from Uttar Pradesh India. I had taken my homeopathic education from National Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, which is the oldest Asian Homeopathic Medical College. Contact Dr. Rakesh Kumar by mailing to::: mail(at the rate)
View all posts by: Dr. Rakesh Kumar


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