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Breast Filiaria Homeopathic Treatment Success Story

By dr rakesh kumar   Posted at  9:03 PM   Painful Breast Lumps with fever and chills No comments

A thin emaciated (weight 32 kg)  30-year-old anemic hypotensive female with inflammed nasal mucosa and sunken eyes came in dispensary for chronic diffuse painful breast lumps in right breast and painless left breast lumps which are present for about 10 years. The right breast lumps were painful at times only. It was hard to determine about fixness and movablity, but it looks like movable breast lumps.  She also notice breast skin itching at times. She told that her right breast lumps gets more hard at times followed by increase in pain followed by fever with chill. No breast skin thickening.  No nipple retraction.  No axially lymph node enlargement.  She tends to have headache accompained with excessive tearing in both eyes.  Her menses are usually scanty and of three days duration usually.  She tends to have hard stool, very less water intake, and sleeps a lot. Lastly, the patient lives in filiaria prominent area.  She is misforunate women, her husband left her alone 10 years ago.  She is having 2 sons who lives with her and she lives with her father.

I made a questionable diagnosis of chronic breast cysts probably infected with filiaria parasites and gave her Conium 30 stat dose and Pulsatila 30 and Kali Carb 30, which are my favoirte for filarial diseases.

Patient responded very well and after about two months of homeopathic treatment, she is now having very minimal size of lumps, no episodes of fever, pain, and chills.  Last time, the patient asked to me whether she can no stop taking meds. I told her life and body is in poor state, she needs continuous treatment and care so stay with homeopathy.Dear blog reader tell what symptoms are present in you and I will tell which homeopathic medicine can stop your hair falling. You can tell your symptom via comment section or via emailing to mail(attherate)

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Website informing about homeopathic treatments for various common diseases like Fevers, Diarrhea, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, High Blood Pressure, Knees Pain, Malaria Fever, Filiria, Discogenic Low Back Pain, Acne, Headache, Dysmenorrhea, Anemia, Menorrhagia,etc in very simple manner so that people start using homeopathy and remain healthy. This website is designed and managed by Dr. Rakesh Kumar (B.H.M.S, N.H.M.C, Lko) who is a govt employed homeopathic doctor from Uttar Pradesh India. I had taken my homeopathic education from National Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, which is the oldest Asian Homeopathic Medical College. Contact Dr. Rakesh Kumar by mailing to::: mail(at the rate)
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